Joanna Booth Photography


Empty Walls

Since moving to Texas, my studio has had empty walls. We are currently renting our home and the thought of damaging something that isn’t mine makes me uneasy. However after attending the Houston Baby + Kid Show this past Sunday, I had lots of prints on display. I was so proud of how my booth looked. It was professional, polished, cohesive, and represented me.


I’ve been in the newborn business for 3 years…part-time. I’ve been a photographer for 6 years…part-time. This new venture to take the thing that I love most seriously, as a full-time gig, is scary, as I’ve said before. But I eat and breathe it everyday. I love photography, editing, babies, props, vendors, and the photography community. So when I envisioned my booth, I wanted it to represent my style and brand.


I have a brand? I didn’t even realized it happened, or evolved, but it did. What I loved about my booth at the expo, was that from my business cards, to backdrop, featured images, bird cages and decor it was what people would feel about me. I always hate saying I have a style. I’m a creative and want to do everything and anything. But what I realized is that I have a style, I’ve created a brand. My brand is me, I’m friendly, I love to serve and please my clients, I am a yes person over a no person, but I also don’t like being bamboozled. So my creative side and analytical side often go into battle with each other. Out of that fight, lol, I have my rules and things I am a stickler on (like contracts, deadlines, payment, etc.) but the fun side (creating custom setups, providing drinks and snacks, engaging with clients, etc.).


So what is my style? It is shabby chic, floral, vintage, rustic, and romantic. I like my images to feel soft, colorful, but not too busy. They are ethereal with a hazy and airy feel. But, my images are also tac sharp and completely in focus. If you can’t see the eyelashes on a baby, it bothers me. I’m a perfectionist, so I like posing to look right, wraps tight and even, blankets to have little distraction. I spend the extra time to make sure that every tiny finger looks perfect. In my opinion, a baby should look like he/she just dropped out of heaven. So I spend extra time making sure they have flawless skin.


When all of these things come together, I get the opportunity to print large images to display at a fun expo. And when I take that step back and look at all of my work…I pat myself on the back. I realize that I know what I’m doing, my images speak volumes, people adore my work, and passers by just stop to stare at my prints.


All of my packages offer digitals, but not all of them offer prints. I encourage all my clients to order prints because you really don’t see how amazing your child/family is until you print them. And I’d say print them big! So, after the expo, I spent time in my studio. I began putting prints on my walls. (I used 3M command strips) And now, I love my studio even more. There are a few walls that are still empty, but lots of new images are hung. And you know what…I appreciate the work that I’ve done even more, because I can see it looking back at me…telling me well done.


April is print special month. Get a $150 credit towards prints when you book a full newborn session with me. To those that are past clients, spend $100 and get $150 in print products. A wall with a USB drive hanging on it, isn’t as beautiful as a print.


Featured 8×10 albums, 4×6 books, 3×3 accordion minis, and 7×7 trifold folio in my studio.

Large 16×24 print with gorgeous Organic Bloom frame. Business cards and matted folio box also shown.

All of the boys and girls pants and rompers I have available for client use.

An 8×12 print on display in the studio bathroom.

A 10×10 print on display in the studio.

The front of my business card.

The back of my business card.

Newborn, Tips




Empty Walls

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