It’s been three weeks since folks here in Texas have had to shift their way of living to this temporary new normal. The Coronavirus has taken its toll on everyone worldwide, and we all quietly deal with the dramatic changes in our own personal ways. Some of us find comfort in a schedule; because it gives us the feeling of business as usual. Some are finding this change as an opportunity to work on tasks they typically wouldn’t have time for. Some are grieving a loss of normalcy, interaction, rituals, graduations, once-in-a-lifetime experiences, closure to what once was, and freedom. And it’s not unusual to go through all these phases the longer we have the ‘Stay at Home‘ and “self-distance” measures in place.
As parents we are balancing working from home, teaching, keeping up the house, cooking dinner, and pushing those quiet hours into times where we can feel a sense of familiarity. But for new moms, especially first time moms, it may feel lonely. Moms who had to deliver their baby alone, or with only one guest, no family visits, or parents. You probably planned a maternity or newborn photoshoot…but that had to be cancelled too.
It wasn’t the way you planned. It’s not what you wanted, and you are grieving. Grieving more gravely than the rest of the world, because your hormones aren’t back to normal, because that’s normal! If you are stuggling as a first time mom, take a glance at a previous blog post I did on How to Make Babies Happy here:
My encouragement is to new moms, regular moms, folks that aren’t dealing with Corona well to consider connecting with family through FaceTime/Zoom. Don’t be afraid to ask for that connection and interaction. Let someone know you need that help and additional encouragement and support. Do you need meals delivered? Flowers? Cupcakes? Cookies? Formula and diapers? Let those family members help!
On the flip side, it’s easy to feel content in this situation. It’s honestly how I feel…at peace. It is what it is, and the Lord is taking care of me, while I figure out how to work…is my own new normal challenge. Ha! However, I don’t negate the fact, or ignore the fact that many are not handling this well. If you need someone to talk to in the middle of the night do it! If you are stuggling to handle all of these changes and feel hopeless and alone, please contact someone. I am available, even! I encourage everyone to check on their friends. The quiet ones especially. Or, if your usually extroverted friend goes silent, give them a call.
We look forward to the days when toilet paper return, lysol wipes are in abundance, and sneezing in public doesn’t feel like a criminal offense. We are eager to get our kids back in school…or realize our own strength in homeschool learning and take that plunge. It’s a mind shift for sure. However, I encourage you to find peace in the midst of it all. What part of this situation has been fun, exciting, eye-opening?
Although the stay-at-home measures are a huge inconvenience, it’s there to protect others. We are the superheroes working for the good of humanity. So there’s a positive spin on this situation, if you were looking for one.
I am positive and look forward to the future. This new normal will hopefully create a better life than the one we miss so greatly.
Here are a few of my friends who may provide some great resources for new moms: